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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

Center Peace

Monday, August 28, 2017

Great Grace and Little Gifts

From a reading of the chapter on John Bunyan, "Exercising the Gift," in Devotional Classics, I thought I might put a couple of quotations and thoughts. First, I just wanted to put a Dallas definitions:
  • Manifestations of Divine Power: you will see accomplished by your words and actions what cannot possibly be explained by your efforts and talents.
Also here are some ways which Bunyan discovered and learned his spiritual gift:
  • He found out how he had been helpful to others. "Some of the saints had good judgment and holiness of life seemed to feel that God had counted me worthy to understand the blessed Word and that he had given me some measure of ability to express helpfully to others what I saw in it. So they asked me to speak a word of exhortation to them in one of the meetings."
  • He tested his gift, exercising it to see if others received spiritual benefit. "I began to see that the Holy Spirit never intended that people who had gifts and abilities should bury them in the earth, he commanded and stirred up such people to exercise of their gift and sent out to work those who were able and ready."
  • He was aware of how the Tempter would discourage him.  "In this work, I had different temptations. Sometimes I would suffer from discouragement, fearing that I would not be of anv help to anyone and that I would not even be able to speak to the people. At such times I have had a strange faintness seize me. At other times I have been assaulted by thoughts of blasphemy before the congregation."
  • He noticed and rejoiced in his gift. "When I saw that they were beginning to live differently, and that their hearts were eagerly pressing after the knowledge of Christ and rejoicing that God sent me to them, then I began to conclude that God had blessed his work through me. And so I rejoiced. Yes, the tears of those whom God had awakened by my preaching were my solace and my encouragement."
Remember to pray for other peoples's gifts and try to encourage each other by noticing their gifts at work. "Gifts are desirable, but great grace and small gifts are better than great gifts and no grace. . . . Blessed is everyone to whom the Lord gives true grace, for that is a certain forerunner of glory."

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Be Present to God

All we need to know is how to recognize his will in the present moment. . . .  The divine will is the wholeness, the good and the true in all things.  -Jean-Pierre de Caussade

"Mindfulness" or "being present" has no value in itself.  What matters is what I am mindful of or what I am present to.  The object of my mind's occupation will shape my mind - its content and it contentment.

Being present to God includes a number of aspects.
  • It is letting go.  It is surrender.  I find that when I am before God, I am am freed of  my resistance to him and his will.  Resistance to God is distance from God.
  • It is embracing his presence.  It is intimacy.  I find when I am freed from resistance to God, love for God flows into my heart and mind.  Distance from God is distance from his will.
  • It is following Jesus.  Obedience to Jesus is abundant life.  I find when I am seeking to obey him, I become most aware of what is right in front of me that needs to be done.  His will is first and foremost in the present moment.
  • It is in this moment in the details of life.  I can only find his presence, his will, and my surrender in the moments that I live, not outside them.  Whatever is removed from the present moment only has value in its service to the present moment with God.
  • All these aspects and others address the same thing in the same moment.  In this way, surrender is God's will which is intimacy with God which is obedience to Jesus which is being present to God.  They do not occur separately, although I may be more conscious of one that another at any given moment.
In this way, I am discovering a unity of many different aspects in being with God in the present moment.  This unity helps me to avoid pretending to be present to him.

Be.  Here.  Now.  With God.