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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

Center Peace

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Greatest Gift

Even so, while [Jesus] saw the possibilities of seed-sowing, sometimes He refused to  do it: "Great multitudes came to hear and to be healed of their infirmities. But He withdrew Himself in the desert and prayed. He refused to do good. He refused to do good in order to do a higher good - to Himself. His greatest gift was Himself, so He must keep that self at its highest. Hence the prayer hour was kept intact in order to keep a higher contact. In this He was realistic. (Is the Kingdom of God Realism? E. Stanley Jones, 24)
 Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? (Jesus, Mark 8:37)
Such a simple switch,
A mere moving of words,
But when the ideas are planted
Their roots run deep,
Not easily pulled out.

Here it is:
"I must feel better
before I can get better.
The sickness of our world
Stands on this idea,
On these simple words.

And so, all the frantic
Activity and all the pills
And foods and diets and
exercises and bodily contortions 
and all the life-sucking
relationships and habits
Done in secret,
Done because I must feel better

We are all sick
With it all,
So hard to see health
When the pain is so great.
It screams, "Just make it stop!
I just want to feel better!"

We are all sick
Which is why the first
step is not feeling better
but getting better.
Yes, I must get better
before I can feel better.
Recovery and repentance

This is not about being sorry
and certainly not about
being ashamed.
Such feelings only exacerbate
the pain and throw us
back into the world's
sickness and corruption.

No, this is about
getting better.
Resting, reading,
Eating, smiling,
Seeking the comfort and help
from those who love,
God most of all.

This is about
Taking his medicines
And staying away from
sickness and sin and secrets
Until our immunity
Recovers and grows.
Goodness must do its work
In us
Before goodness can do its work
Out of us.

The pain must be killed 
And will be killed
Not by numbing addictions
or consuming relationships,
But by recovering strength,
Grace from God
Taken every day
In every way
Is the only way
To make it through today.

You will not find many
Friends in this way,
But they will show up
When you step out of the crowd
And really touch His cloak
Or raise your voice
Above the din:
"Son of David, have mercy
on me!"

 The world is a sick place,
but not really a place for the sick.
It is only a place for the dying,
not the recovering.
Step away, step out,
Do not be squeezed into its mold
Of feeling better
Before you can get better.

Join the sick
who seek true health.
That is why Jesus
came: recovery.
His message is clear:
"You must get better
Before you can feel better.
The kingdom of God
Is near to you.
Reach out
And live."

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