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I long to see Christ formed in me and in those around me. Spiritual formation is my passion. My training was under Dallas Willard at the Renovare Spiritual Formation Institute. One of my regular prayers is this: "This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak, and in the mouth of each who speaks unto me."

Center Peace

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Spirit and Walking in Power

Devotional Classics, George Fox, Excerpts from The Letters of George Fox
He is the living God that gives you breath, life, and strength and gives you beasts and cattle whereby you may be fed and clothed.  He is the living God, and he is to be worshiped.  This is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in whose hand is the breath of all mankind.
Walk in the power of the Truth that the name of the Lord God may be glorified among you, his renown may be seen in you and among you, and all the world may be astonished, and the Lord admired in the ordering of his people who are guided by his wisdom.
Now Friends, who have denied the world's songs and singing, sing you in the Spirit and with grace, making melody in your hearts to the Lord.  You that have denied the world's formal praying, pray always in the Spirit.  You that have denied the world's giving thanks and their saying grace and living out of it, do you in everything give thanks to the Lord through Jesus Christ.  And you that have denied the world's praising God with their lips, while their hearts are far off, do you always praise the Lord night and day.
Wherever you are, in prison, or out of prison, where two of three are gathered together in his name, there is a Church, and Christ the living Head in the midst of them.
Whatever your calling [vocation], live in the power of Truth and wisdom of God to answer that just principle of God in all people upon the earth.  So, let your lives preach, let your light shine, that your works may be seen, that your Father may be glorified.  (George Fox, pp.186-188)
 Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers.  Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. (Isaiah 58:3-4)
 I am amazed at how quickly I forget things.  I feel like a child needing constant reminders to stay "on task."  Yet the reminders here are not the nagging I am used to receiving and giving.  They are reminders of inspiration and hope, encouragement and passion.  Such reminders come from the Spirit, who knows my weakness yet loves me well.

"He is the living God."  Can any phrase seem simpler?  Yet I still forget.  He not only created everything in the universe, he sustains it.  Without the Spirit, there is no life to what I do, be it ever so noble.  The sustaining hand of God works by the Spirit in my spirit, giving life and breath to what I may do with him.

I find it hard to "walk in the power" of the Lord.  I prefer to rely on what power I have and accept what results I get.  I fear walking in the power because I do not control it so much as it has a hold on me.  I fear the power may ask of me.  This power is power that works for God's glory, not mine.  I suppose I am afraid to give up my glory and "look bad" for God's sake.

What if I pray for someone's healing and it doesn't happen?  What if I express my worship in passion and praise?  What if I share the God-given gifts and miracles with other people to show God's great and good power?  They may not like it.  They may not like me.  But walking in the power is not for me do direct and decide about, it is taking the hand of the Spirit of power and going with him, and at times being carried away by him.

I have disdained religion that is like a "dull habit" rather than a "fever," but do I merely point out such lifelessness without partaking in life myself?  It is easy to criticize, but hard to change.  Only by the Spirit does such change occur.  Only he can put truth, passion, power, and joy into the things that I do for the Lord and for others.  I can assist and accept his work and must do so, but I cannot do it alone.

Criticism is what comes out of my effort to change relying solely on my flesh, my natural abilities.  I may refuse to take part in "dead rituals" or "hypocritical gatherings" and point out the "traditionalism" that keeps people from really finding God.  But criticism is like spectators in sports: they don't really play the game.  Humility and transformation come from my cooperation and surrender to the Spirit and his ways.  Humility because of my bumbling and neediness through it all.  Transformation because the Spirit works wonders according to God's mercy.

He lives!  And I am to walk in that reality of living power, not just point out where it lacks.  And so it comes to my vocation and my religion.  The power can be present as I work and as I am present at services and meetings.  Without the living power of God in me and beside me, I cannot "expect [my] voice to be heard on high."  Rather such efforts will result in prayers that do not make it "past the ceiling" and works that will be just part of the "grind."

So I must pray and then pray some more.  Nothing else will avail but asking God to help and learning how to wait on his aid.  The Spirit of God is with me.  I just need to open my hands to receive his gifts and most importantly, his hand.

Lord God of heaven, you are everywhere.  I cannot escape you except by forgetting you.  You have poured out your Spirit on all people.  The blessing, the power, the goodness, the love, the joy that you have are available to us.  Give me the grace to accept your gift and not be afraid for myself.  Let me walk in your living power and not stand on the sidelines in criticism.  Amen.

One of the most important part of walking in the power of the living Spirit of God is the joy of salvation.  As I walk, I see where I've been, what I would be without God's mercy and grace, and how he continues to overcome sin in my life.  This perseverance given through the Spirit brings good character to my life and I find hope in his salvation (Romans 5).  But even with these favors he has given, I will always find the joy of salvation to be this: "I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see."  I will always be first and foremost a sinner saved by grace.

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